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Dominic Chinea - Robertson Murray
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Dominic Chinea

Dom is best known for his master metal work in the RTS Award-winning, BBC One show, The Repair Shop.  Bringing broken and much loved treasures back to life, the show has been a runaway success and is a moving production that manages to combine jaw dropping restoration with warmth, humour and ingenuity.

There is much more to Dom that just metal work though.  Working across many mediums – set design, prop making, metal work, sign writing & restoration; Dom’s skills and interests help him turn his hand to a huge variety of projects, bringing the same enthusiasm and energy to all his pursuits.  An advocate of age old craftsmanship, drawing and working by hand if possible.

Dom’s passions include restoring anything with wheels: classic cars, motorbikes and pushbikes, sign writing, anything with a history or story.

Always keen to learn new skills and crafts Dom is constantly seeking new areas to explore, be it panel beating or learning to keep bees.

After starting his career initially as a photo assistant Dom’s career has now led him to the other side of the camera and he is excited to explore future television opportunities.



Design, Pattern, Set Design
