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Oliver Peyton - Robertson Murray
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Oliver Peyton

Oliver Peyton is a renowned restaurateur and the founder/chairman of Peyton and Byrne Limited.


He owns over a dozen eateries throughout London, many in landmark locations such as The National Gallery, The Wallace Collection and St James’s Park, which have been as much applauded for their architectural achievements as their gastronomic standards.


In addition to his restaurant business, Oliver is involved in a number of TV projects. He is one of the judges, alongside Matthew Fort and Prue Leith, in the BBC’s ‘Great British Menu’. He also presented ‘Eating Art’ which sees Oliver travel across Europe and North America on the trial of history’s most prolific food artists, investigating why and where they chose their subject matter, discovering how produce was eaten in the artist’s time and then working with the world’s greatest chefs to bring their artworks to life. Oliver also recently took part in the up-coming Irish television series ‘Recipe for Success’ where he acted as business mentor for start-up hopefuls.


February 2009 saw Oliver publish his first cookbook in conjunction with the National Gallery. The National Cookbook explores the best in British seasonal ingredients and one of the greatest collections of European paintings.


Design, Pattern, Set Design
