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DR Peter Lovatt - Robertson Murray
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DR Peter Lovatt

Dr Peter Lovatt (Dr Dance) is a psychologist, dancer, broadcaster and author.


Peter has been dancing since the age of 7, and thinking since the age of 20. His story is remarkable. From being in remedial English at school, where he struggled big time with reading and writing, he became a professional dancer. He then experimented on himself, using his love and knowledge of dance to help him overcome his reading difficulties and then, incredibly, he went on to gain a BSc, MSc and PhD in Psychology before ending up at the Faculty of English at Cambridge University. Not bad for someone who failed O-level English several times.


The way Peter has combined psychology and dance is unique and the application of his knowledge in this field is ground breaking; he started the Dance Psychology Lab, the first lab of its kind. Peter’s research helps to transform groups of people using a unique blend of science and dance, which explores thinking skills, relationship difficulties, health and creativity. Peter has worked with people with health problems to improve their symptoms, Peter has helped people overcome relationship difficulties and he has helped business people to think differently and be more creative. Peter uses dance to unlock people’s potential. It’s amazing what your brain can do when your body boogies.


Peter is passionate about communicating dance and psychology to the widest possible audience. He has appeared, as Dr Dance, on Strictly Come Dancing, It Takes Two (BBC), The Graham Norton Show (BBC), Daybreak (ITV), Frank Skinner’s Opinionated (BBC) and numerous other entertainment shows. You might have read about his work in the National and International Press and glossy magazines or heard one of his TEDx talks. Peter is fun, enthusiastic and engaging and an excellent science communicator.


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